Take it easy
  Diatom (aka Bango)

39° 30' 08"N, 119° 02' 34"W - HAZEN quad

VISITED June 2003 .
DIRECTIONS From Fallon, take US 95 to the junction of US 50, turn left, go 8 miles, turn right on Bango Rd and take until end at railraod tracks.. From Fallon: 16.5 miles

Unknown. I imagine- from the name- that there was some mining going on here and it continues today as at least a distribution point for the same stuff. There were some buildings here at one time but haven't really researched it yet.

UPDATE September 2010: Larry writes in and says: " Bango was a railroad section station.  Crews worked from this station (section hands)  Bango was in use until about 1960. A number of the childen still live in the Fallon and Reno area.  The one I hunted ducks on the canal with is around 72 years old.

Some newsy items referring to Bango....

Sheriff Sharkey of Hazen arrested four youthful toughs at Bango Tuesday night, where they had forced an opening into the section house. District Attorney Hart of Fallon held a preliminary hearing of the case at Hazen Wednesday and the prisoners were bound over to the supreme court. They are lodged in the county jail at Fallon.
-Reno Evening Gazette, June 13, 1913

Julios Ratti, president of Sparks Lodge No. 85, Brotherhood of Maintenance Railway Employees, was recently slected by the lodge to represent the group at the 27th regular convention. Mr. Ratti has been employed by the Southern pacific company for the past 18 years and for the past 11 years he has been the foreman at Bango, west of Fallon,
-Nevada State Journal, July 11, 1940

At a simple wedding ceremony at St. Patrick's Church Friday morning, Miss Victoria Leyva of Wadsworth became the bride of Reno Ratti, with Father Francis mikula officiating. A family dinner at the Ratti home at Bango, a gardenspot on the desert, followed the ceremony.
-Nevada State Journal, June 17, 1949

Southern Pacific Sues for $9,300 Damages As Result of Canal Break
As result of a canal break three years ago, the Southern Pacific Railroad has filed a $9,367.60 damage action against the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District. The railroad alleges that negligence resulted in the Truckee Canal's breaking near Bango on December 10, 1951. The water washed out a considerable section of track ballast, leaving it suspended in mid-air, the Fallon Standard reports.
-Nevada State Journal, December 18, 1954


POST OFFICE Nov 1911 - May 1916

The remains of some concrete foundations and various rubble and small dumps. As you can see in the picture, diatomaceous earth is apparently still loaded from this point, and I'm fairly certain there are d.e. mines in the area somewhere. Now, of course, the large oil recycling plant is at this location.

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