Take it easy
  Rock House (Sullivan's Tourist Camp)
MAP 38.264339, -118.102696
VISITED August 14, 2024
Our breakfast- Steak 'n' eggs at El Capitan
Our lunch - Burgers at Peppers in Hawthorne
DIRECTIONS From Hawthorne, take US 95 S for 42.2 miles; take NV 360 and head west for one half mile; take local dirt road SW for 600 feet

Miner, business man, and Mineral County Commissioner Carleton [sometimes Carlton without the 'e'] E. Sullivan was born May 5, 1880 in Barnesville, Ohio. He was a Private with Company "A", 74th Engineers during Wolrd War One, and was the impetus behind this building, begun in 1931 as a potential tourist camp.

What was a "tourist camp?" Well, it was the forerunner of the motel, and became popular due to the increased use of that new-fangled automobile.

With the establishment of the highways, automobile tourism became an economic force in the region. The first accommodations catering to motor tourists were campgrounds with a pad where travelers could pitch a text next to their “machine,” ideally with water and food nearby. Many of these early facilities, called tourist camps or auto camps, sprang up on the Lincoln Highway between Sparks and Reno. Soon, tourist cabins replaced tent pads and parking spots. Called cabin courts, cottage courts, auto courts, or tourist courts, the cabin complexes offered beds and bedding, bathrooms, and often kitchens.

According to the Census Bureau, in 1935 Nevada had 122 tourist camps without filling stations, and five with filling stations, drawing in $280,000 for rentals and meals for the former and $21,000 for the latter.

We know-- obviously-- that the structure was started and built in 1931, although it is unknown how many other buildings at the camp site managed to be completed.

MINA- C. E. Sullivan constructing tourist camp south of here.
-Mason Valley News, May 16, 1931

I stole this article from NV Tami when she was looking the other way. No idea where it originated, however.From the typeface I'm guessing a Tonopah or Goldfield paper.

C. E. "Sully" Sullivan, former Hawthorne highlight in Legion and community affairs, is continuing his energetic plans of improvement about ten miles south of Mina rear Tonopah Junction. "Sully" has commenced construction of a modern tourist camp about 100 yards from the highway, in line with the route for the proposed Mt. Montgomery highway. The camp will consist of eight bungalows and one rest room of rock and stucco construction. Sullivan. expects to have his project crenelated by late summer. The large rest room is half finished and the water problem has been solved, with the placing of a pump over a natural well. A feature of the rest room is the large fire place which is being constructed entirely of Nevada ores. Cal T. Whitney of Hawthorne has been trucking the vast quantities of rock to be used in the erection of the buildings at the camp. "Sully" claims his place will be an Oasis in the desert and immediately after completion he intends to have a grand housewarming.
-Unknown newspaper article, 1931

At this point information becomes very scarce, and it is unknown if the site became operational as a tourist camp or not. We're guessing it did, although how successful it was is another story. Operating just as the Depression was getting into full swing, we would imagine the number of recreational tourists declined.

We could find no mention of the site until 1939, when it was leased, and referred to as the "Rock House club."

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lambert of Reno have leased the Rock House club nine miles south of Mina from C. E. Sullivan.
-Reno Evening Gazette, April 5, 1939

A week or so later the Lamberts had quite the shindig there.

MINA, Nev. April 27 - Mr. & Mrs. Glen Lambert gave a formal opening at the recently remodeled Rock House Saturday night. It was attractively lighted and decorated for the occasion, with music furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teaters of Seattle, Wash. A large crowd was in attendance from Silver Peak, Mina, and surrounding communities.
-Reno Evening Gazette, April 27, 1939

Some wild card games...

Mrs. Billie Lambert entertained Mesdames Pearl Crabtree, Bea Howard, and Ethel Chafey at bridge on Wednesday afternoon at her home at the Rock House south of town.
Reno Evening Gazette, June 15, 1939

Then, once again, mentions in the news fade away to nothing, so it's unknown how long the Lamberts operated the Rock House. But a Mr. Ford lived there as late as 1958

Mineral county commissioners are studying a situation concerning wild burros allowed to run loos in Mariette Valley southwest of Mina. A hearing was held earlier i the week on a application submitted by Jay Pearce, James Easley, and Arthur T. DeMars seeking to capture them for removal from the valley. Vigorous opposition against the application was launched by William J. Ford, 83 year old resident of the Tonopah junction rock house. Ford's main objection to the capture stemmed from the fact that several of the animals have been branded by the applicants without a permit.
-Reno Evening Gazette, February 17, 1958



They've installed a guard rail blocking the original entrance to Sully's from the north, but there is another dirt road you can use. WE could not locate the remains of any other structures here, so, either they weren't built, or they were built and then sold and hauled away later, as is the usual customer 'round these parts. Many tires and lots of trash inside the building, but not much else.

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