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Del Monte | |
MAP | N38.29439 W118.93009 USGS Aurora Quad |
VISITED | October 16, 2004. Our Dinner: Black Bean Burrito and chili Macaroni MRE's July 18, 2015 Our Breakfast: Eggs at Dini's Casino in Yerington July 18, 2015 Our Dinner: Burgers at Kings Diner in Yerington |
DIRECTIONS | Take US 95 south from Fallon for 71.4 miles; continue south on SR 359 for 4.1 miles; turn right and head west on Lucky Boy Pass Rd (National Forest Development Rd 026) for 16.5 miles. and then the Bodie road for 3.3 miles. | |
There were at least four large mills here-- one of them made of brick-- that served the mines of Aurora. For some reason, in the 1870's, they were being auctioned, and we are lucky enough to have some descriptions from a San Francisco paper: MAURICE DORE & CO. All of that certain piece of land or parcel of land, with the mills and Mill property erected thereon, situate, lying, and being on Bodie Gulch, or creek, near Aurpra, in said Esmeralda County, bounded and decribed as follows: Commencing at a stake 100 feet, more or less, west of Bodie Gulch and about one third of a mile north of what is known as Bodie's Mill, on said gulch of creek; thence running easterly across a dam on said gulch, 396 feet to a stake, thence running northerly along a line of survey down said gulch or creek known as Esmeralda Gulch, thence running northwesterly down said Esmeralda Gulch to its junction with said Bodie Gulch; thence running in a northwesterly direction, and scross said Bodie Gulch, to the center of a water tank 25 feet, more or less, northwesterly from and below the Mill known as the "Real Del And, also, two mills and mill houses on said land, known as the "Brick Mill" and the "Tucker and Stark Wooden Mill," and all the machinery, steam engines, boilers, batteries, amalgamating pans, seperators, tubs, tanks, pumps, belting, and all tools and other property in and about or belonging to said Mill and Houses. Also, the Balcksmith shops, dwelling houses, stables, and all other personal property, or every name, nature, and description whatsoever, in, or upon, or belonging to the said land and mill property. And also the undivided one-half interest in and to a certain water privelege and flume carrying water to the water tank afore said for the use of the said Real DelMonte Consolidated G. and S.M. Co. and the Antelope S.M. Company, wth all the rights, priveleges, franchies thereto incident, appendant and appurtenant, or therewith usually had and employed. The Brick Mill contains two boilers, Goss & Lambert engine, Corliss Cutoff, thirty stamps, two large breaking stamps, twenty four wheeler pans, twelve seperators, two pans for cleaning amalgam, and all other necessary machinery for working silver ore.
This is the finest mill on the Pacific Coast, and cost over $225,000. ALSO
NEWSPAPER | None | |
If you judge this location by what it looks like today- a sleepy little stop on the road from Aurora and Bodie-- you'd be mistaken. This was the center of some major milling activity, and if you keep your eyes open you can see the remains even as they are being reclaimed by nature.