Take it easy
  Gold Center

36.868063° -116.767226°

VISITED September 21, 2019
Our breakfast 9/20 - Ana'a Cafe in Fallon
Our dinner 9/20 - Happy Burro Chili & Beer - Beatty
Our breakfast 9/21 - Gema's Wagon Wheel - Beatty
Our dinner 9/21 - Sourdough Saloon - Beatty
Our breakfast 9/22 - Mel's Diner - Beatty
Our lunch 9/22 - Socorro's Burger Hut
DIRECTIONS From Beatty, Nevada, travel south on US 95 for 2.9 miles, turn west on Airport Rd for 0.6 miles

No gold here, but it was the terminus of the Las Vegas and Tonopah Railroad in May of 1906. There was a yard and freight depot that served Rhyolite until that town's facilities were completed later that year. By 1907 there was a psot office, bank, trust company, hotel, store, feed corral, and of course, saloons. The Gold Center Ice and Brewing Company was located here. A thirty-ton mill operated briefly. Although they sunk shafts looking for gold, nothing was really found. When Bullfrog and Rhyolite died, so did Gold Center.

The town of Gold Center near Beatty is taking on an air of prosperity, building and mining having been commenced on quite an extensive scale with many improvements promised for the near future. The Tonopah-Goldfield Trust comany and the Gold center Ice and Brewing company genuine revival, and are doing so by putting up buildings, installing improvements and starting mining development, looking to the establishment of a substantial mining town. A bank, ice plant and brewery, mercantile establishment, saloon, brokerage office and hotel are the improvements recently inaugurated upon the townsite, while just to the east of town a big tunnel enterprise has been started that for amount of work anticipated will eclipse anything in the Bullfrog district.
-Nevada State Journal, January 4, 1906

A remarkable strike has been made in the Gold Center at Bullfrog. This tunnel had been advanced 146 feet when the footwall of a ledge was encountered and a cut 7 or 8 feet into the lead has not opened up the hanging wall. Three feet of the ore on the footwall gives values of $116 per ton.
-Nevada State Journal, February 23, 1906

Everyone gets excited when the railroad comes to town.

Will Reach That Point July 15 and Rhyolite on October 1 Say The Officials
RHYOLITE, Nev. June 11-- The Tonopah and Las Vegas railway, which is now fast approaching the Bullfrog district from Las Vegas on the Clark road, will reach Gold Center, eight miles from Rhyolite( um, no it's not - FN) , on July 15th, according to Vice President C.O. Whittemore and Chief Engineer McGuire, who have been here for several days looking after the company's interests. From Gold Center the road will be carried north to Beatty, a distance of four miles, and from that point to Goldfield and Tonopah.
-Reno Gazette Journal, June 11, 1906

Gold Center Now Connected With Outside World by Rail
The first regular passenger train into the Bullfrog district will reach Gold Center this Friday evening, the schedule time being 5:45. The side track at Gold Center has been laid, and the freight and passenger stations have been established, and a regular passenger schedule goes into effect today, the time table appearing in another column of this paper. A train will be run each way every day, the distance now being too great to make a round trip. The train will leave Gold Center at 9:20 in the morning and reach Las Vegas at 4:05, making connection with the evening train on the Salt Lake route. The incoming train will leave Las Vegas at 11 a.m. and arrives at Gold Center at 5:45 p.m.
Tonopah Bonanza, October 20, 1906

They imagined big things for Gold Center. Little did they know.

Railroads Will Connect This Camp With Greenwater and Rhyolite A Few More Weeks
GOLD CENTER-- The grading of the Bullfrog and Goldfield railroad through Gold Center to Rhyolite is now practically completed. President Brock, Chief Engineer Hedden and other officials of the road were in these parts the past week looking over the work, and it was then decided to build a bracnh from Gold Center to Greenwater. The engineers are now making surveys and the grades will soon follow.
-Reno Gazette Journal, February 9, 1907

Things are dying now. How did the post office hang on so long?

Comprehensive Daily Report of Nevada's Mines, Mills, and Prospects, Given Without Bias
The Bullfrog has not made a "yump" in many moons, not for years. Thsi wise looking reptile sits on its haunches on the bank of the Amargosa, but does not stir. Meanwhile, its namesake town has disappeared from the map. Gold Center is but a memory. Beatty is a little better, while regal Rhyollite, a little city of costly archetecture, contains but a handful of people. Pioneer also is nearly forgotten.
-Reno Gazette Journal, October 30, 1912

Nothing but ruins now

W.J. Tobin arrived Monday from Pioneer with the news that arrangements were being perfected for re-opening a lead mine situated in the hills east of the marble camp of Cararra. This property was worked sixty years ago when it yielded a tonnage that warranted the then-owners in building a small smelters, the ruins of which still stand at Gold Center, two miles south of Beatty
-Reno Gazette Journal, March 12, 1924

POST OFFICE 1913-1924
NEWSPAPER Gold Center News

Sorry to say we took a quick cruise through the area and didn't see a thing. I hear there are reports of foundations, but they must be well hidden, or we were distracted by burros.

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