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38.670951° -116.255993°


DIRECTIONS From Tonopah, turn E onto US 6 for 75.2 miles; turn left on dirt road and head gernally north and then NW for 17.1 miles.

Very briefly:

The Morey Peak District was first discovered in 1865 and was worked rather consistently up to 1891, and then again in the 1930's and '40's.
-Morey District report, Benta/Bonham/Smith, June 1981

Less brief, but still scanty:

Ore was discovered in Morey Canyon in 1865, the district organized in 1866. A stamp mill was constructed to treat district ores in 1873. intermittent production is reported from the district beginning in 1866 and extending to 1965. The most productive years were between 1866-1891 and 1937-1947. Total recorded production for the district is at least 6,511 tons of ore with a value of at least $475,523.
-Morey District report

OK, now we're getting somewhere...

In 1865 prospectors from Austin came and discovered rich ore only six miles from Moore's station. THe camp formed in 1869, and in 1874 a ten stamp mill was built that only ran for two months. By then, population was around 95, and there was a post office, two stores, a blacksmith, livery stable, express office, and a boarding house. A daily stage ran to Belmont and Eureka. But by the next year, most people had left. Activity blossomed again in 1880 with the mill operating again. Population hovered around 30, but by 1905 the district was almost totally abandoned. A landslide caused by nearby atomic testing wiped out parts of the town during the 1950's.
-Preserving the Glory Days, Shawn Hall

L.A. Dochez reports that the mines in the Morey District, Ny county are turning out very rich ore, and that the mill which is being put up will be ready to run by the 15th of October. Several new ledges, of which the croppings assayed into the hundreds, have been located by Mr. D., which joined to the 19 mines already developed by the Morey Mining Company, will keep the mill in lively operation.
-Pioche Record, September 25, 1873

A company of New York Jews owns the town of Morey, in Ny county, and the whole ledge of mines in which it exists. The camp was opened 8 yeas ago, but was abandoned, and laid idle 6 years. It ships a bar of bullion to New York almost every week. THe expenses are very heavy, and the officers are not practical enough. THere are too many of them, too. The staff is a Superintendent, a General manager, an Assayer, a Surveyor, a Superintendent of the Mill, and a Foreman. There are 60 men kept at work.
-Reno Evening Gazette, August 28, 1880

POST OFFICE November 15, 1872 - April 15, 1905


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