Bullionville (Douglas Co.)

Photos from the Pine Nut Mountains
DSCF1358 DSCF1359 DSCF1360 DSCF1361
DSCF1362 DSCF1363 DSCF1364 DSCF1365  Historical debris awaits you at the Longfellow mine, the principle hole in the Greater Bullionville metro area.
DSCF1366 DSCF1367 DSCF1368 DSCF1369
DSCF1370 DSCF1371 DSCF1372 DSCF1373
DSCF1374 DSCF1375 DSCF1376 DSCF1377  Down the road a piece, the remains of what I believe is one of the early mills
DSCF1378  We had a little trouble... DSCF1379 DSCF1380 DSCF1381
DSCF1385 DSCF1386 DSCF1387 DSCF1388
DSCF1389 DSCF1390 DSCF1391 DSCF1392
DSCF1393 DSCF1395 DSCF1396 DSCF1397
DSCF1398 DSCF1399 DSCF1400 DSCF1401
DSCF1402  One of the later mills DSCF1403 DSCF1404 DSCF1405
DSCF1406 DSCF1407 DSCF1410 DSCF1412
DSCF1413 DSCF1415 DSCF1417 Dscf1417a