
Some shots from the forbidden mining camp
DSC 4691 DSC 4697  Impenetrable barrier to the mine DSC 4700 DSC 4703  Downtown
DSC 4712 DSC 4715 DSC 4721 DSC 4724  Looks like an old cellar and a swing set
DSC 4733  Lots of these around- the ones that said "NO STOPPING" were funny. DSC 4757  But just stay on the road and you'll be fine DSC 4739 DSC 4766
DSC 4772  The maine mine DSC 4778 DSC 4781  The secret headquarters DSC 4784  Downtown Olinghouse
DSC 4787 DSC 4790 DSC 4793 DSC 4808  The old Bowles place
DSC 4811 DSC 4829 DSC 4835 DSC 4836  Fancy pants shingle work
DSC 4838  Loving the gutters DSC 4847  View down the canyon from the porch DSC 4850  Sleepy snake DSC 4859
DSC 4868  Shard of pottery from the old ranch site north of Olinghouse up Jones Canyon DSC 4874  Ruins at old ranch DSC 4883 DSC 4892
DSC 4895 DSC 4907  Pond up the canyon from old ranch Olinghosue 1906  A photo of Olinghouse in 1906 I stole from somewhere... shay geared locomotive2   While this may not be THE model used, this is an example of a Shay-type geared locomotive.
Patrick Investment Co. 1905 rrmap  Map from David Myrick's book,  "Railroads of Nevada and Eastern California: The northern roads" T21NR23E2  Map of the area in 1889, before all the ruckus started.