
Some photos we've collected regarding Rawhide
13418419 1117215634967851 5152339531931478878 o  Here is an illustration of how the contemporary mine has destroyed the town site. 6a13931r  A panorama from the Llibrary of Congress 126 (2) 202
211 (2) AA  Some photos lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 bottom  Typical promotional ad of the day. Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 AAA-TOP-LEFT  I liked this ad, mixing the old with the [1908] "new." Typical promotional ad of the day. Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
BB  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 C  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 Capture CC  Or so he says.
D  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 DD  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 E  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 EE  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
F  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 FF  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 G  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 GG  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
H  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 HA  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 HH  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 i  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
II  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 J  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 K  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 N  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
O-TOP  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 P-TOP  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 q  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 L  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
M  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 r  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 RAWHIDE L.A. Herald SAturday 9-5-1908   Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 Rawhide SMJ1908  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
The Mining Investor Feb 24 1908 A  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 The Mining Investor Feb 24 1908  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 TOP-A  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51 TOP-B  Lifted from The Mining Investor, Volumes 50-51
default (11)  Henchey, Paul L. Old Post Office and Office: Rawhide Queen, Rawhide, Nevada, SV-173. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 17 Oct. 1950. digital.ucdavis.edu, default (12)  Henchey, Paul L. Remains of Famed Mining Camp in Rawhide, Nevada, SV-171. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 17 Oct. 1950. digital.ucdavis.edu default (13)  Henchey, Paul L. Abandoned Stone Fail and Boarding Housestore, Rawhide, Nevada, SV-172. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 17 Oct. 1950. digital.ucdavis.edu default (14)  Henchey, Paul L. Ex-Sheriff Grutt and Mine Office Museum, Rawhide, Nevada, SV-174. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 17 Oct. 1950. digital.ucdavis.edu
IMAGE OBV 12969  Some tokens from Rawhide I got off the web. IMAGE OBV 140597 IMAGE REV 140595 IMAGE REV 140597
Hotel-Rawhide-Nevada-scalloped-token-with-rabbit-pictorial 24628459 1 s-l1600 nevadasilvercobarset  I am somewhat sure this is from Rawhide.
MostExcellentMap 1969  Greta map drawn, I think, in 1969, before Rawhide was turned into a big hole. rawhide (2) p1010192  The old jail was moved to Hawthorne when Mr. Denton sold his claims. p1010191
p1010193 p1010195