This sign is now grafitted and defaced, if it's still there at all. But deth awaits you all, with sharp, pointy teeth. Actually, big fat falling rocks the size…

Henchey, Paul L. View of Lower Rochester From Hillside, Rochester, Nevada, SV-595. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6 Oct. 1952.…

Henchey, Paul L. Abandoned General Store, Rochester, Nevada, SV-596. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6 Oct. 1952.

Henchey, Paul L. Abandoned Silver Camp, Rochester, Pershing County, Nevada, SV-601. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6 Oct. 1952.…

Henchey, Paul L. Abandoned School House between Lower Rochester and Rochester, Nevada, SV-597. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6 Oct. 1952.…

Henchey, Paul L. Mill and Building of the Rochester Consolildated Mining Co., Rochester, Nevada, SV-594. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6…

Henchey, Paul L. Foundations of Cyanide Mill, Rochester Consolidated Mining Co., Rochester, Nevada, SV-593. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections,…

Henchey, Paul L. Ruins of Miners’ Shacks, Rochester, Nevada, SV-598. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6 Oct. 1952.

Henchey, Paul L. Tram Car Portal to Mine, Rochester Consolidated Mining Co., Rochester, Nevada, SV-600. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6…

Henchey, Paul L. Office of Lincoln Hill Mill and Mining Co., Rochester, Nevada, SV-592. UC Davis Library, Archives and Special Collections, 6 Oct. 1952.…