1. School grounds at least one acre, and kept in good condition.
2. Good approaches to the house.
3 Trees and shrubs, where climatic conditions will permit.
4. Two well kept , widely separated outhouses.
5. Convenient fuel house properly located.
6. Well, where possible
1. House well built , in good repair, and painted.
2 . Good foundation.
3. Well lighted and giving sunshine. Light from at least two sides, left and rear,
and permitting sunshine from at least one side.
4 . Each room well ventilated.
5 . Adjustable window shades.
6. Suitable cloak-rooms for boys and girls.
7 . Attractive interior decorations.
8. Good blackboards (slate preferred), set about 26 inches from floor.
9 . Heated by a room heater with ventilator properly placed or by basement furnace which provides for proper ventilation.
10. Floor and interior clean and tidy.
1. Desks suitable for children of all ages, and properly placed.
2 . Good teacher's desk and chair.
3 . Satisfactory bookcase.
4 . A good collection of juvenile books suitable as aids to school work as well as general reading.
5. Primary reading chart .
6. A Bible, set of good maps, a globe, and a dictionary.
7. Sanitary water supply provided by the district board, thermometer, sweeping preparation.
8. Sand table.
9 . Educational journals.
10. Standard flag, properly displayed.
1. School well organized.
2 . Classification and daily register well kept .
3 . Definite daily program.
4 . Attendance regular and punctual .
5 . Discipline good.
1. Must hold a state certificate, a first -grade county certificate, a normal -training
certificate, or must at least hold a second -grade certificate, and be a graduate of a four-year high school .
2 . Must receive at least the average salary of the county, and in no case less than $60 per month.
3 . Ranked by the county superintendent as a good or superior teacher.
4 . Must read Teachers Reading Circle books, attend institutes and associations, and in other respects show a proper professional spirit .