Fairview was an oddity in that it never had a water supply (other than water delivered in barrels) and it was located quite a distance from the mines- about two miles. Many miners consequently pitched tents close to where they worked. Talk of stages, electric trolleys, and other transport grew but people got tired of waiting and the town's size dwindled after 1907 as citizens moved up the canyon a ways to Nevada Hills.
APRIL 20th, 1906
This District is reached from Hazen on the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad, thence southeast sixty miles by team or automobile. Fallon may be reached en route, but by passing it by the distance is shortened about six miles. Fallon is sixteen miles from Hazen. Surrounding Hazen and Fallon is a large agricultural district, watered by the Truckee-Carson Irrigation project of the Government. The town of Fairview is situated in the very low foothills, while the mines are located two and one half miles south in the higher foot hills. Fairfield is another town in the same district situated six miles east of Fairview. The mines are located in the Fairview Range, Churchill County, Nevada. The mining district is known as Fairview. Fallon is the county seat.
The elevations of the principal places are as follows:
Hazen 4009' (actual) R.R. bench mark
Fallon 3990' " U.S.G.S. bench mark
Fairview (town) 4600' aneroid
Fairview (mines) 5600' aneroid
Sand Springs Summit 4900' aneroid
Sand Springs Summit is the only summit crossed between Hazen and Fairview, and is about ten miles from the district. It is a very gradual summit, the automobiles being able to make it on high gear. A railroad line has been surveyed from Hazen to Fallon, and construction is said to have been authorized at once. The old "Pony Express" road between Fort Churchill and Austin passed within two miles of the present town site.
Very little work has yet been done, and even ground recently sold or leased has only just started work. There are as yet two incorporated companies in the district, viz. The Nevada Hills Mining Company and the Fairview Eagle Mining Company. The Nevada hills Company control the Weber vein, and the Fairview-Eagle Co. the Jarvin vein. 40' was the greatest depth attained at the above date, and this was on the Fairview Eagle property owned by Wingfield and Associates. On the Nevada Hills property a shaft is being sunk and was about 5' deep on the vein. A tunnel was also being run from the south side of the hill which would tap the vein at 100' - 150' in depth. This also was just started. The other work on the property was in cuts along the vein. On the Fairview Eagle property the shaft was down 40' and still sinking. They followed down on a streak on the hanging wall, and the sheet was dipping west, also vein narrow. Leases have been let on this property. On the Ridge McLaughlin property or the Dromedary Hump vein, the development work consisted in several cuts along the vein, and a shaft just started. Harnon and Naughton have some very promising property but practically only surface work had been done, and both gentlemen were out of town, and I was unable to make an inspection of the work.
Wages are $4.50 and $5.00 per eight hour day. [$12.75 2005 dollars per hour - Bob] Wood and water are scarce. Wood is brought from adjacent hills, and water is hauled nine miles and sold at $3.00 per barrel. Prices are on a par with the other new camps of Nevada.
SUMMARY: The Weber vein seems to carry the best values,although those found in the other veins are very encouraging. The general geological conditions are, I think, very favorable. Natural conditions are not of the best, but can be improved greatly. There is a large and favorable area for prospecting and development, and on the whole I think the district a very favorable one.
The excitement begins.....
1906 February 14
At the present time there is quite a rush to Fairview, the new mining district recently discovered about thirty six miles from Fallon. Some very rich ore has been struck in the new district and many miners and prospectors are rushing to the scene of the discovery to locate claims.
-Reno Evening Gazette
$4.00 in 1906 was about $104 in today's money. Assuming a 40 gallon barrel, that comes to roughly 65 cents a quart.
1906 February 19
New Mining Comp is Growing Rapidly and Now Has Many Business Houses
Otto Heizer arrived in Reno this morning from Fairview and reports the new mining camp to be one of the liveliest in Nevada. He says that new discoveries are being made every day and that people are rushing into the camp by the score. There are nearly three hundred inhabitants in the new town at present and they are coming in from all directions every day. There are at present two saloons, three restaurants, a large feed stable, two lodging houses and a number of stores in the new town, and Emerson & Clark of the Fallon Herald are preparing to start a newspaper. Ferguson & Gayer of Fallon run a daily stage to the new mining camp, and R.L. Douglas, the Fallon millionaire, is running an automobile to the camp daily. The fare from Fallon to Fairview is $5. The water used in Fairview for both man and beast comes from the Westgate Springs which are about three miles from the camp. This water is owned by Mason, one of the original discoverers of the camp, and he is selling it for $4 per barrel. This is the only water near the town of Fairview and until wells are dug, he will have a monopoly on the water business.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Businesses other than saloons and assay offices start to arrive.
1906 March 16
Charles Schliefer, proprietor of the German coffee house on Center Street, expects to start a restaurant at Fairview at an early date. He returned from the camp yesterday and says there are 100 men in the town and many more in the hills. Some estimate the population of the city at 300, he said. Mr. Schliefer says there is much lumber being hauled into the various towns in the district. Workmen have been placed at work on a large building that is to contain a saloon, gambling and dance hall.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Every once in a while there was a bit of trouble.
1906 March 28
Fallon, Nevada-- WOrd has reached here this morning that a party of claim jumpers was driven from Fairview, forty miles from here, at the point of a pistol yesterday. A location monument was erected on the town site and removed at the point of a gun. A vigilance committee has been formed. The cool action of a deputy sheriff prevented a pitched battle. All is quite now.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Big money was changing hands.
1906 April 14
Messrs Wilson and NOrton, the well known mining promoters sold to John Harman the Cyclone group of claims at Fairview. The purchase price was over a quarter of a million dollars.
-Reno Evening Gazette
There must have been some women and children by now.
1906 May 2
Fairview May Have Church
Catholics Asked to Form Congregation
Lot Offered Proposed Parish-- Camp has 800 Souls and is Rapidly Growing
If the camp continued its growth it will soon be a camp of several thousand people. At the present time the people are too busy locating claims and sacking gold to pay much attention to Sundays and worship but there is a large Catholic population in the camp and there are seriously considering the advisability of forming a parish.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Everyone is still excited, apparently.
1906 May 16
The Stage Lines and Auto Lines Are Crowded
Not Enough Big Teams to Accommodate Shipping In the New Gold District
As a result of the rush into Fairview and East Gate, Hazen and Fallon are both crowded with people and business is bustling. The Hazen Inn, which is owned by Denson and Coffin, both of Reno, is crowded night and day with people going into the new mining camp and the hotels in Fallon are filled each night. The stores and other places in Fallon are also doing a rushing business, filling the demands of the gold seekers.
-Reno Evening Gazette
R.L. Douglass sees an opportunity.
1906 June 5
Costing $12,000 At Camp of Fairview
R.L. Douglass has decided to build a modern $12,000 hotel in the new mining town of Fairview and is now having plans drawn for the building. The building will be larger than any other hotel in Churchill County and by building it, Mr. Douglass shows that he has great faith in the permanency of the new Churchill County mining camp.
-Reno Evening Gazette
I think when they say "wires down" they mean "in place" rather than "fell down."
1906 June 7
As soon as the instruments are installed in the local office and the wires connected we shall be able to talk to the outside world. THe wires have been strung into camp and have now been connected with the line at Grimes, which will serve as the station through which service will be had. We are told by management a telegraph line will also be in operation.
-Reno Evening Gazette
1906 June 8
Daily Stage Is Now Running to the Camp From Fairview.
The camp of Fairview is more flourishing now than ever before and al of the leasers and mine owners claim to be taking out very good ore. Some fine buildings are going up and the place is becoming quite a town.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Those Fairview-ites are getting a little uppity!
1906 June 11
Against Her Poor Mail Facilities
Asks That Fast Daily Mail Line Be Established From Hazen- Petition Filed
Instead of six day mail service, with a two days delay upon all letters mailed from Reno and three days delay from Goldfield, the people of the camp want a daily mail route established between Fairview and Hazen that will put letters and other mail into the camp within 24 hours after being mailed at Reno.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Temper, gentlemen... temper!
1906 July 14
Chef Ends Quarrel by Slashing Opponent With Carver and Putting Bullet Through Wrist.
FAIRVIEW, Nev., July 13.— In a fierce fight here today Henry Stoner shot and cut William Kibby, inflicting several severe wounds. Kibby's left hand was nearly severed by Stoner. who attacked him. with a large carving-knife. Stoner also used a revolver. A bullet from the weapon went through Kibby's wrist. His condition is serious. The fight occurred in a boarding-house where Stoner was employed as a cook. Arrests have been made.
-San Francisco Call
Looks like they found a little water anyway....
1907 January 22
Plenty of Water Struck At Fairview
The deep artesian well on the Hayes-Monnette property near the city has been completed and is now pouring out hundreds of gallons of water a day. The exact flow of the well has not been determined, but it is sufficient so supply the camp of Fairview with plenty of water. This water is cold and clear and will greatly reduce the price of water, which is now selling for 50 cents per barrel in Fairview.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Yeah, right.
1907 April 5
To Connect Wonder, Fairview and Fallon
ALbert C. Aiken, Representing Nevada Cable Traction Company, Will Recommend Construction
There is enough freight coming into this country to warrant the building of their line. He has been in Fairview, Wonder, and the neighboring districts for the past ten days, and has made an exhaustive study of the conditions as relating to the transportation problem.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Never happened.
1907 May 15
Work On The Line WIll Soon Be Started
Fairview shippers receive assurance from Southern Pacific that railroad will enter the camp.
Fairview will get a railroad from Fallon just as a matter of course. WIthout any newspaper fuss, no promotion, no bonus. Was there ever another situation just like this one? The Southern pacific will connect this district with the present terminus at the hub city, and it will start the work at once, for the simple reason that the road is going to be builded [sic] and it is up to them to own the line, or not own it, just as they please.They have chosen very wisely to act, decisively and promptly. The information is absolutely authentic that the mine owners of this district sent a delegation to San Francisco and a consultation was held with the officials of the Harriman system. The Harriman people were requested to build this connecting line at once, at the same time they were given to understand that should they fail to act promptly the road would be constructed from the proceeds of the ore. It was no bluff. They had deliberately calculated that the saving on the freight haul of forty-two miles would soon pay for the railroad. - Fairview News
-Reno Evening Gazette
More Fairview news....
1907 August 12
FAIRVIEW, Nev., Aug. 11.— No Nevada mine has a prouder record than Nevada Hills, premier of Fairview district. Its present owners bought the prospect for $5000 in March, 1906. Now, according to exchange quotations, the bonanza is valued at about $6,500,000 ana is maintaining a rate of production which should soon shoot up the price to easily $10,000,000. The first carload of ore from the Nevada Hills ran $2954 per ton. The subsequent average has never been less and they have been consigned to the Salt Lake smelters lots that hovered around the thousands. Regular dividends fall to affect the corporation's treasury reserve.
-San Francisco Call
1907 October 25
Producing Area Rapidly Increasing Nevada Hills Heads the List-- Stream of Freight Teams
-Reno Evening Gazette
1907 December 10
Big Demand For Men In Fairview District
There are fewer idle en on the streets of Fairview than usual, owing to the pressing demand for surface workmen to complete the 1907 annual work on scores of claims outlying in the district. There is a call for more men than are available, and the demand will become more pressing this month. In order to comply with the law such annual work must be started before the expiration of the year.
-Reno Evening Gazette
Talking about the big mill now...
1910 April 8
Consolidation of the Famous Nevada Hills and Fairview Eagle Properties in Fairview District is Effected- State's Heaviest Operators Are Back of the Deal
-Reno Evening Gazette
Churchill County, while it can only'boast of a small production during the year, has certainly made great preparations for future operations, and in the no distant future her output will compare favorably with most of our mining counties.
In the Fairview District aconsolidation of some of the larger properties has taken place and great expectations can be looked forward to. This county, like many others in our State, is suffering from lack of transportation facilities. Many promising properties, which are idle at the present time on account of being remotely located, would become productive if a railroad were brought within a reasonable distance.
Fairview District
Nevada Hills Mining Company. The property owned by this company is located near the town of Fairview and the nearest railroad point is Fallon, 42 miles away. The property is developed through a two-compartment vertical shaft, 465 feet deep. Levels are run every 50 feet, except between the 200 and 300. All levels are connected and at least one raise between each level is provided with a ladderway. The equipment consists of a 48-horsepower gasoline engine used to
run a 6-drill Ingersoll-Rand air compressor, a 25-horsepower Fairbanks-Morse gasoline hoist, steel buckets, safety crosshead and a 7-inch steel cable. About 800 feet northeast of this shaft the company has started a large three-compartment shaft, which will be the main working shaft. It will be equipped with the very latest electrically driven machinery, power for which will be furnished by the Hydro-Electric Company, whose lines are being rushed to completion. The grading for the new 100-ton mill, to be built on the same property, is almost finished and as the machinery has already been shipped the time will be short when this property bids fair to become one of the heavy producers of the State, and old Churchill County will be able to boast of not only her wonderful farms, but of a dividend-paying mine. The work in charge of Otto F. Heizer. At present 58 men are employed. Miners receive $4, trammers $3.75 and engineers $5 per day.
The Dromedary Hump covers four claims showing veins bearing good values in gold and silver. It has over 1,200 feet of shafts and winzes and over 1,000 feet in tunnels and crosscuts. It is equipped with a 40-horsepower hoist, compressor, cable, buckets and everything necessary for doing good work. Two men are employed at $4 per day.
The Dromedary Hump Leasing Company, under the management of Mr. Stacey, seems in a fair way to receive the reward of his persistence. A favorable change in the ground has been reported and Manager Stacey is systematically pushing the work in the hopes of being able to announce a new shipper within the next few months. The property is equipped with a hoist-house, 15-horsepower gasoline hoist, head frame, cable, buckets, blacksmith shop, ore bins and dwelling house. Six men are employed at present. Miners receive $4 and engineers $5 per day.
-Annual Report of the State Inspector of Mines 1910
By this time Fairview has become pretty much established
1912 January 1
Mail Will Be Sent Hereafter via Fairview, Which is Closer Than Austin
There is little matter that the people of Fairview should not overlook, and that is the department has established a post office at the new Camp of Carroll, just over the eastern boundary of Churchill County. A mail contract will evidently be let in the near future. At present nearly all the traffic is going in from Austin. We are informed on good authority that it is but thirty-four miles from Fairview to Carroll, as against fifty-five miles from Austin. Carroll is a live and thriving mining camp and from all appearances will make good. The government always insists on sending the mail from the nearest post office. This was done in the case of Rawhide, the mail being sent from Schurz instead of from Fallon. Fairview should look to it that the department is apprised of the actual conditions and thus land the contract. - Fallon Eagle.
-Reno Evening Gazette
But there are still some lonely miners
1913 July 21
Mining man of Fairview, Nev. wants a lady partner with means to develop property. For particulars address G.L. BUDD, Fairview, Nev.
-San Francisco Call
Ed and Sylvia Stratton lived all alone in Fairview all the way up to the 1950's. A nice article about them was published at the time in the October 1955 issue of the now defunct Desert Magazine. Hopefully I won't get sued by making that article available here.