A panorama of the Wonder townsite
A shot of the townsite looking south
Some of the more recent debris which litters one of the mine sites
panorama of the lower part of the mill
A large piece of metal deteriorating artistically in the later afternoon sun
Typical shaft. Note the pristine condition.
Closer to the rock retaining wall at the bottom of the mill
Fence northeast of "town."
Some machinery which was taken apart and never reassembled. Presence of paint indicates fairly recent abandonment.
Wonder, sometime between 1907 and 1911
(Photo courtesy Churchill County Museum)
The Denver Club, in Wonder's better days
(Photo courtesy Churchill County Museum)
The Wonder Mill in operation- 1910
(Photo courtesy Churchill County Museum)
Wonder - 1911
(Photo courtesy Churchill County Museum)
Wonder, 1919, after the boom
(Photo courtesy Churchill County Museum)
The Wonder Mill in operation- sometime between 1907 and 1911
(Photo courtesy Churchill County Museum)
Wonder 1968
One of the authors and his brother in Wonder circa 1968
Wonder 1968
Wonder 1968
Wonder 1968
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